Publications and presentations

The following is a list of my publications (books, articles, presentations) on technical documentation, especially software documentation, software user assistance, information design, and single source publishing.


  • Rich Documentation Design Concept:
    Methods for Creating Concise Technical Documentation of Maximum Value
    (English Edition)
  • Technical Documentation Short and Sweet:
    The Best Best Practices for Creating Clear and Useful Manuals, Help Systems, and Other Forms of User Assistance
    (English Edition)
  • Technical Documentation Best Practices:
    Planning and Structuring Helpful User Assistance – Contents, Structure, User Navigation
    (English Edition)
  • Technical Documentation Best Practices:
    Visually Designing Modern Help Systems and Manuals – Layout, Formatting, Templates
    (English Edition)
  • Technical Documentation Best Practices:
    Writing Clear and Helpful User Assistance – Writing Rules, Tips, FAQ
    (English Edition)
  • Technical Documentation Best Practices:
    Creating Effective Visualizations for Technical Communication – Images, Videos, Interactive Content
    (English Edition)
  • Translating Technical Documentation Successfully
    Things That You Should Preserve When Translating User Manuals and Online Help Systems (for translators)
    (English Edition)
  • Technical Documentation Tool and Web Guide
    (English Edition)

Articles and presentations

  • Rich Documentation Design Concept
    Presentation, tekom chapter Sachsen, April 2024
  • Simplify your like: A compilation of tools and methods that simplify day-to-day work in technical writing
    Article, tekom magazine “technische kommunikation”, issue 1/2024
  • Rich Documentation Design with the Impulse Method
    Presentation, tekom conference 2023
  • A New Concept Adds New Momentum: Rich Documentation Design
    Article, tekom magazine “technische kommunikation”, issue 3/2023
  • Things That Can Facilitate Work for Technical Writers
    Presentation, tekom chapter Berlin-Brandenburg, May 2023
  • New Ways of Translation
    Article, tekom magazine “technische kommunikation”, issue 5/2022
  • Creating Animated Content Quickly
    Article, tekom magazine “technische kommunikation”, issue 1/2020
  • Screenshots
    Presentation, tekom chapter Sachsen, April 2019
  • Column “Web Links for Technical Communicators”
    tekom magazine “technische kommunikation”, all issues 6/2005 through 1/2019
  • Pimp up Your Help
    Tutorial, tekom conference 2018
  • Screenshot Best Practices
    Presentation, tekom conference 2018
  • The Best of Both Worlds
    Review of the software Document! X
    Article, tekom magazine “technische kommunikation”, issue 4/2018
  • Tools and Techniques of Technical Documentation
    Seminar at Zwickau University of Applied Sciences, April 2017
  • Software Documentation
    Full-day tutorial for tekom chapters Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt and Thüringen, Leipzig, November 2016
  • Creating Help without Bells and Whistles
    Review of the software Help+Manual
    Article, tekom magazine “technische kommunikation”, issue 1/2016
  • Ways to Hell(p)
    Tools and processes for generating online help
    Presentation, tekom conference 2015
  • Technical Documentation and Software Documentation
    Lecture at Zwickau University of Applied Sciences, October 2015
  • Translating Technical Docs without Losing Quality
    Article, “MultiLingual Magazine”, issue July/August 2015
  • Help with Additional Functions
    Article, tekom magazine “technische kommunikation”, issue 1/2015
    Article on “”, March 2015
  • How to Explain Technical Products Clearly
    Article, magazine “Konstruktion”, issue 5-2014
  • Online Help, Quo Vadis? The Future of Online User Assistance
    Presentation and discussion, TECOM Switzerland, April 2014
  • Dynamic Help: Where You Need It When You Need It
    “tcworld, magazine for international information development”, February 2014
  • Module “Online Documentation”
    University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe, Communication and Media Management, fall semester 2013/2014
  • Dynamic Help
    How? Where? When?
    Presentation, tekom conference 2013
  • There Is No Nobel Prize in User Manuals
    Article, “Magazin Wirtschaft”, issue 11/2013
  • Operating Instructions
    Article, “WiM Magazin”, issue 10/2013
  • Original or Translation?
    When to translate terms quoted from a user interface and when not to translate them
    Article, tekom magazine “technische kommunikation”, issue 3/2013
  • Adding Social Media Features to Help
    Integrating social media features quickly, easily, and at little cost
    Presentation, tekom conference 2012
  • Do You Speak Deutsch?
    How to document products in German that have an English user interface
    Presentation, tekom conference 2012
  • Continuous Improvements Instead of a Revolution
    New version of Help+Manual
    Article, tekom magazine “technische kommunikation”, issue 1/2012
    Article, “”, March 2012
  • Comments Welcome
    Setting up a comments function for online help
    Article, tekom magazine “technische kommunikation”, issue 6/2011
  • Do You Choose, Select, Activate, or Click?
    Recommendations for terminology in software user assistance
    Article, tekom magazine “technische kommunikation”, issue 4/2011
  • Help Authoring Tools
    Market overview and decision support
    Presentation, tekom chapter Nord, March 2010
  • How to Minimize Documentation Costs without Costs
    Adapting business management methods to maximize efficiency
    Presentation, “tcworld Roadshow”, 2009
  • Instant Solution for Creating Online and Printed Documentation
    Working with Help+Manual version 5
    Article, tekom magazine “technische kommunikation”, issue 1/2009
  • Demos and Interactive Components in Online Help
    Tools, tips, examples
    Presentation, tekom conference 2008
  • Search or Find?
    What makes online documentation user-friendly
    Presentation, tekom chapter Rhein-Main, October 2008
  • AutoHotkey
    Automation for free
    Article, tekom magazine “technische kommunikation”, issue 3/2008
  • Creating Software Demos the Easy Way
    Recommended tools for screencasting
    Article, tekom magazine “technische kommunikation”, issue 1/2008
  • Creating Screen Captures Efficiently
    Recommended tools for taking screenshots
    Article, tekom magazine “technische kommunikation”, issue 5/2007
  • Help Authoring Tools
    Has RoboHelp regained its old strength?
    Expert interview, magazine “Produkt Global”, issue 2/2007
  • The HAT Show
    10 help authoring tools live and in color
    Presentation, tekom conference 2006
  • Creativity Methods for Technical Communicators
    2 Workshops, tekom conference 2006
  • From Author-it to XDK
    An overview of 20 help authoring tools
    Article, tekom magazine “technische kommunikation”, issue 5/2006
  • Change of Perspective
    Business management solutions for reducing technical documentation costs
    Article, tekom magazine “technische kommunikation”, issue 6/2005
  • Management in Technical Communication
    How to make your documentation process more efficient
    Presentation, tekom chapter Süd-Niedersachsen, July 2005
    Presentation, tekom chapter Mitte, September 2005
  • (Don’t) Click Me
    Creating user-friendly links
    Article, tekom magazine “technische kommunikation”, issue 3/2005
  • Re-designing Rusty Help Texts
    Presentation, tekom conference 2004
  • Management Methods for Technical Communicators
    Presentation, tekom conference 2004
    Presentation, tekom chapter Munich, March 2005
    Presentation, tekom chapter Rhein-Main, October 2005
    Presentation, tekom chapter Baden, November 2005
  • Information Layering
    Providing need-based information
    Article, tekom magazine “technische kommunikation”, issue 4/2004
  • The Fairy Tale of Hänsel and Gretel
    Why navigation shouldn’t rely on breadcrumbs
    Presentation, Online Help Forum, tekom 2003
  • Built-in Software Assistants
    Embedded help
    Article, tekom magazine “technische kommunikation”, issue 1/2003
  • Embedded Help
    Presentation, Online Help Forum, tekom 2002
  • Paper Goodbye?
    Article, tekom magazine “technische kommunikation”, issue 4/2002
  • Why We Love or Hate Help
    Presentation, tekom spring conference 2002
  • Innovative Information Design with Microsoft Help 2.0
    Presentation, Online Help Forum, tekom 2001
  • Help Makeover Panel 2001
    Expert on the Help Makeover Panel, Online Help Forum, tekom conference 2001
  • Innovative Information Design
    Presentation, tekom chapter Mitte, April 2001
  • Why Help Sometimes Doesn’t Help
    Presentation, CeBIT 2001
  • Translation-Friendly Writing for a Single Source
    Tutorial at tekom conference 2000
  • Single Sourcing with SmartDoc
    Why single sourcing takes more than good tools
    Presentation, Forum 2000
  • Single Source Writing for Manuals and Online Help
    Half-day tutorial, tekom conference 1999
  • Single Source Writing
    Presentation, tekom conference 1998